10 Photos of Barcelona: Tapas, Art, and Turtles.
This post was supposed to go up last night, but it didn’t. Why? Because last night my husband came returned from his most recent overseas jaunt, and the evening was destined to be spent eating chocolate-chip ginger banana bread on the couch while catching up on The Daily Show. Clearly, I am a woman with my priorities in order.
It seemed safe to reason that this post would go up early this morning, but that didn’t happen, either, because Rand was home, and I kept wandering down from my office to watch him sleep (which is weird) or, once he finally woke up, to type at his laptop (which is arguably weirder).
Seriously, it’s a miracle this post is going up at all. And it’s only because he went to work. And, if I’m being honest, it’s kind of phoned-in, because I’m still sort of thinking about him. (Did I mention he was only gone three days? Yeah. I’m warped, kids. WARPED.)
So, with much delay (because our trip to Spain was in October) and even more delay on top of that (because my husband just got home last night), I give you ten photos from our trip to Barcelona. There was food. There was silliness. There was procrastination. There was making out with my husband.
Actually, it sounds a lot like last night.
- Cerveceria Catalana. When we first got into town, we stopped at this cafe, which came highly recommended to us by some local friends.
Impaired by jet-lag and my own limited Spanish, I freaked out and ordered waaay too many tapas.
- Sheep’s heads at La Boqueria, an open-air market on La Rambla.
I thought they were affixed with googly eyes. But no. Those are just their regular eyes.
- Sculpture by Joan Miro, near the waterfront.
I was going to say that it looks like a Lichtenstein, but I don't want to sound like a know-it-all.
- Close-up of a gate at Antonio Gaudi’s La Pedrera.
And here I wanted to note that you can see the same organic elements that Mucha used in his work, but I won't, because of aforementioned know-it-all-ness.
- The outside wall and gardens of Castell Montjuic.
I love how the moat is now full of flowers. Like, "Screw alligators, get me daisies!"
- Stained glass window, La Sagrada Familia Cathedral.
Spot the hidden nipples in this window! How many can you find?
- Discovering a paper camel near the Picasso Museum.
I ... I got nothing.
- The waterfront, Barcelona.
I'm on a boat! (Actually, that's not true. I'm on a dock. But it's near some boats.)
- Close-up of a turtle masonry work, La Sagrada Familia Cathedral.
- Pre-requisite kissy-face photo at the Olympic Park.
Notice how the force of my love squashes my nose. If only it made my butt smaller, too.
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