10 pictures of Vancouver, Canada
Riots, it would seem, are the theme of this week.
It seemed rather apt, then, that I share with you some photos of Vancouver taken several long weeks ago, just days before Vancouver dealt with its own batch of civil unrest. I had headed up to Canada for a conference specifically geared towards travel bloggers, and dragged my dear sweet husband with me. We roamed the city together, something we hadn’t done in ages. In fact, this was the last time I was in Vancouver with Rand:

I vaguely remember these people. (circa 2002)
On a sunny Sunday we returned home, and the very next day the city was ravaged by riots following the Vancouver Canucks loss of the Stanley Cup. Fortunately, Canadians are a polite and noble sort, and in the aftermath they took to the streets with brooms and dustpans, picking up the mess that had been made.
Here are ten photos that I took from our weekend in Vancouver. Fortunately, it’s back to looking this way again. It’s proof that you can pick up a broom, clean up the wreckage, and move on.
I only hope London is paying attention.
- Cruise ship terminal, Vancouver Harbor.
–I had no idea what this was when I took the picture. I just thought it looked pretty.
- Brilliant logo design, McDonald’s Canada.
–While I'm no fan of the fast-food giant, whoever designed their Canadian logo is a genius.
- Abandoned Fire Chief hat.
–It was the anniversary of the city's fire department, so there were tons of these hats floating around. I like to think that this one was not missed.
- Cupcake display at Cupcakes, Vancouver.
–Pretty. Disappointing.
- Sunset over the water, Kit’s Point.
–Pretty positive it was a first date. They kept scooting closer together, then farther apart, then closer together ...
- Some guy’s snake, Gastown.
–He let me pet her (yes, yes, make your jokes). I think he said her name was "Missy".
- Highly disturbing garage sale items.
–The image title for this picture is "creepy old timey Santa and pornography." Which kind of says it all.
- Embittered “Going Out of Business” sign outside Independent Flixx.
–I sympathize, but why they hell is the 10 in quotes?
- Six words: Royal Canadian Mounted Police gift shop.
–"I will take two of the cardboard Mounty cut-outs, please ... LIKE HELL HE IS FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONLY."
- Tiny dancers, Vancouver.
––God, I love Canada.
I’m so glad Vancouver got back on course – it’s truly a wonderful city. Now if only we can get London to follow suit.
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