10 Photos from our California trip
Yesterday, I visited my mother at her home 20 minutes south of Seattle. As I left, I noticed a few tiny snowflakes begin to fall. It was unexpected – it’s late in the year for snow, and the forecast had predicted the temperatures would be warming up, so I had on only a thin jacket. Before I got on the freeway, I had to stop for gas. I stood next to the pump in freezing temperatures for seemingly forever, while my tank filled up. For the rest of the ride home, I blasted the heat on, in hopes that it would warm me up.
That was over 24 hours ago, and I still have the chills. So in an effort to banish what lingers of this miserable winter, here are ten photos from our trip down to Los Angeles and San Diego from a few weeks back. May they keep you warm. I’m off to get some tea. And by tea, I mean “whiskey that’s been microwaved.”
- Organized birds, Los Flores Viewpoint on the Camino Real (near San Diego, CA).
They stand in line better than most Italians.
- I order wisely. Enormous lobster, San Diego.
Pinchy would have wanted it this way.
- Early moon rise, Getty Museum, Los Angeles.
The only heavenly body in L.A. that doesn't lie about her age.
- View from our hotel in San Diego by night.
- View from our hotel in San Diego by day.
- Just … awkward.
It's okay. I'm good at other things.
- A tree grows in Los Angeles (basically as impressive as Brooklyn).
Upon closer inspection, it might have been fake.
- Geometry at the Getty Museum.
For reasons I have trouble explaining, this photo makes me wish I was better at math.
- Sarcastic fortune cookie.
With impeccable timing, this came at the very end of our trip. I hate smart-ass desserts.
- Line at the Alaska Airlines counter, after our flight was delayed for two hours.
This came after the pilot knowingly lied to us about how long the delay would be and we had to deplane. Oh, and after TSA dropped our laptop.
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