10 Things With Which You Should Not Tip Your Cab Driver
Pennies Advice Subway tokens
Pennies Advice Subway tokens
I’m convinced that the best thing about traveling anywhere are those one-of-a-kind unexpected experiences no one else has. Seeing the Hoover Dam is amazing, but seeing a cloud shaped exactly like Yoda just outside of the Hoover Dam is even better (more on that later). Getting there, it seems, really is half the crazy.
Being in Seattle, it’s nice to have Portland so close. Only a two-hour drive to my hometown’s weird little sister (the one who’s a lot of fun to hang out with, but who’ll drink the last of the milk and will sleep on your couch for three months straight). It’s so easy to get there…
Part 2: Protecting yourself and your stuff while traveling You may have read through yesterday’s vicious diatribe on thieves, and how to protect your home while you’re away. Today’s installment will focus on how to protect yourself while away from home. And now, for our exciting conclusion …
Part 1: Protecting the home you leave behind from burglary I hate thieves. I truly believe there is a special level of hell for people who steal from others (A very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater).